Leg 7 of Ex CANARY UBIQUE draws to a close as St Barbara V donks her way back to Puerto Calero on Lanzarote. Sadly the engine has been used more than we would’ve wanted since the wind didn’t play ball.
Nevertheless, there has been excellent sail training in warm winter sun all around the Canary Islands, taking in Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Gomera. This leg was mostly filled by 100 Regt personnel – a Gnr Nevertheless, there has been excellent sail training in the warm winter sun all around the Canary Islands, including Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and La Gomera. This leg was primarily filled by personnel from 100 Regt – a gunner from 255 Bty and eight officers from the All Arms Staff Pool (four Sappers, three Gunners, and one Loggie), as well as one Sapper and one relatively young REME officer from the BCD(A), which is one of the formations supported by 100 Regt. from 255 Bty and 8 officers from the All Arms Staff Pool (4 Sappers, 3 Gunners and a Loggie)as well as one Sapper and one REME (relatively) young officers from the BCD(A), which is one of the formations that 100 Regt supports.
Sincere thanks to the RA Bosun @Ed Middleton for skippering the leg, instructing novices so that we generated 5 new Competent Crew personnel, mentoring those already qualified, and facilitating a wonderful couple of weeks. I think he was a little surprised at the crew being tucked up in bed before 2300 hrs on New Year’s Eve, but the rather more aged crowd that one finds in 100 Regt needs its beauty sleep!
A partial crew changeover in Tenerife at the midpoint of the leg allowed for a greater number of personnel to attend, and also allowed the participation of some of the Reservists who would not have been able to get a full fortnight off work.
Sincere thanks to ATG(A) North, 100 Regt RA and the Ulysses Trust for guidance and financial support, enabling meaningful training for so many Reservists.